Showing posts with label bulk load csv to redshift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bulk load csv to redshift. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2018

Bulk Load csv json avro files to aws redshift

Summary - In this blog i will load same data (which is split into multiple files) from csv, avro and json format into aws redshift table and see difference in load timings based on redshift cluster size.

Details - I have citibike trips data available in csv, json and avro format in aws S3. I will load this data without any configuration changes to redshift table and capture timings and also see impact on load time when i change redshift cluster configurations
Load timings recorded - *(no other load was running on cluster. I also captured timings for copy command with COMPUPDATE OFF and STATUPDATE OFF for some cases)

File TypeTotal FilesAvg File Size
(gziped for json, csv)
Avg Row
count in
Total Rows
Time Taken with COMPUPDATE OFF STATUPDATE OFF (Seconds)Redshift cluster config
CSV5715.6MB58454433319019130115dc2.large 2Nodes
CSV5715.6MB5845443331901971-dc2.large 4Nodes (2elastic nodes added)
CSV5715.6MB5845443331901915-dc2.8Xlarge 2Nodes
CSV5715.6MB5845443331901911-dc2.8Xlarge 4Nodes
(Elastic 2 Nodes)
JSON5718.8MB58454433319019220215dc2.large 2Nodes
JSON5718.8MB58454433319019140-dc2.large 4Nodes (2elastic nodes added)
JSON5718.8MB5845443331901922.3-dc2.8Xlarge 2Nodes
JSON5718.8MB5845443331901920-dc2.8Xlarge 4Nodes
(Elastic 2 Nodes)
AVRO5772.7MB58454433319019380330dc2.large 2Nodes
AVRO5772.7MB58454433319019230-dc2.large 4Nodes (2elastic nodes added)
AVRO5772.7MB5845443331901933-dc2.8Xlarge 2Nodes
AVRO5772.7MB5845443331901927-dc2.8Xlarge 4Nodes
(Elastic 2 Nodes)

Bulk Load CSV files

drop table citibike_trips_csv;
CREATE TABLE citibike_trips_csv ( tripduration INTEGER , starttime DATETIME , stoptime DATETIME , start_station_id INTEGER , start_station_name VARCHAR(100) , start_station_latitude DOUBLE PRECISION, start_station_longitude DOUBLE PRECISION, end_station_id INTEGER , end_station_name VARCHAR(100) , end_station_latitude DOUBLE PRECISION, end_station_longitude DOUBLE PRECISION, bikeid INTEGER , usertype VARCHAR(50) , birth_year VARCHAR(10) , gender VARCHAR(10) );

copy citibike_trips_csv( tripduration, starttime, stoptime, start_station_id, start_station_name, start_station_latitude, start_station_longitude, end_station_id, end_station_name, end_station_latitude, end_station_longitude, bikeid, usertype, birth_year, gender ) from 's3://agbucket02/nyc_citibike_trip_csv' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::yourroleID:role/yourrolename' csv gzip IGNOREHEADER 1 IGNOREBLANKLINES;

(to turn off stat computation add STATUPDATE OFF COMPUPDATE OFF)

Avg size of each file - 15.6MB (compressed)
Avg rowcount in each file - 584544
Total rowcount loaded - 33319019

Bulk Load JSON files - We need a jsonpaths file as below.


    "jsonpaths": [

drop table if exists citibike_trips_json; CREATE TABLE citibike_trips_json ( tripduration INTEGER encode zstd, starttime DATETIME encode zstd, stoptime DATETIME encode zstd, start_station_id INTEGER encode zstd, start_station_name VARCHAR(100) encode zstd, start_station_latitude DOUBLE PRECISION encode zstd, start_station_longitude DOUBLE PRECISION encode zstd, end_station_id INTEGER encode zstd, end_station_name VARCHAR(100) encode zstd, end_station_latitude DOUBLE PRECISION encode zstd, end_station_longitude DOUBLE PRECISION encode zstd, bikeid INTEGER encode zstd, usertype VARCHAR(50) encode zstd, birth_year VARCHAR(10) encode zstd, gender VARCHAR(10) encode zstd );

Load json

copy citibike_trips_json
from 's3://agbucket02/nyc_citybike_json/'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::yourroleid:role/yourrolename
FORMAT AS JSON 's3://agbucket02/jsonpaths.txt' GZIP;

copy citibike_trips_json
from 's3://agbucket02/nyc_citybike_json/'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::yourroleid:role/yourrolename

FORMAT AS JSON 's3://agbucket02/jsonpaths.txt' GZIP;

Avg size of each file - 18.8MB (compressed)

Avg rowcount in each file - 584544

Total rowcount loaded - 33319019

Bulk Load AVRO files - we will use the same jsonpaths file as we used for json load.

CREATE TABLE citibike_trips_avro
    tripduration INTEGER ,
    starttime BIGINT,
    stoptime BIGINT ,
    start_station_id INTEGER ,
    start_station_name VARCHAR(100),
    start_station_latitude DOUBLE PRECISION,
    start_station_longitude DOUBLE PRECISION,
    end_station_id INTEGER ,
    end_station_name VARCHAR(100),
    end_station_latitude DOUBLE PRECISION,
    end_station_longitude DOUBLE PRECISION,
    bikeid INTEGER,
    usertype VARCHAR(50),
    birth_year VARCHAR(10),
    gender VARCHAR(10)

truncate table citibike_trips_avro;
copy citibike_trips_avro
from 's3://agbucket02/nyc_citibike_trip_avro/'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::yourroleid:role/yourrolename'
FORMAT AS AVRO 's3://agbucket02/jsonpaths.txt';

Avg size of each file - 72.7MB
Avg rowcount in each file - 584544
Total rowcount loaded - 33319019